Thursday, 24 April 2014

Small rant, and new work for you.

Somebody who 'unfriended' me a while ago (both on Facebook and in real life) accidentally 'liked' one of my paintings on Facebook the other day. I say accidentally because he obviously thought better of it and 'unliked' it the next day.

Now I don't know about you, but if I don't want any more to do with somebody, I stop looking at their updates. That way, I won't accidentally like their work. As said person has a habit of stealing peoples' ideas, subjects and indeed painting styles, I really don't want him looking at my recent work. So he is now blocked. I wish him well with all his endeavours, but not on the back of my work, thank you very much.

However, I am happy to share some recent work with you. Here's a selection of paintings from the last week in the studio.

Nanny's Biscuit Cutter

My Matchbox Camper Van

Grandad's Cups and Saucers

The Lovesong

Thank you. If you like this post, or have an opinion about it, please feel free to comment below.

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