New paintings and designs.
Candy Mountains went down a storm at Arbeit Gallery. A very exciting new gallery space, just off of Old Street. I'm very interested to see the upcoming exhibitions there.
I have been working at the studios on some new abstract works. I'm very happy about how they are going. Back to basics mark making, if you like, I am working on several at a time which is a pleasing way to work. Having been slogging over a very large painting for a long time, its been great to throw myself into working fast on more than one at a time.
Have also spent some time preparing graphics for Normal Designs' first collection of shopping bags. This image of mine has been re-blogged from a tumblr sketchbook blog no end of times recently, and although I don't particularly mind people using my work, I thought it only sensible to start making some money out of it myself! Please watch out for further announcements regarding Normal Designs' products, available near you....very soon!